Enfocar The Daniel Clowes Reader. A critical edition with essays, interviews and annotations
Enfocar The Daniel Clowes Reader. A critical edition with essays, interviews and annotations
Enfocar The Daniel Clowes Reader. A critical edition with essays, interviews and annotations
Enfocar The Daniel Clowes Reader. A critical edition with essays, interviews and annotations
Enfocar The Daniel Clowes Reader. A critical edition with essays, interviews and annotations
Enfocar The Daniel Clowes Reader. A critical edition with essays, interviews and annotations
Enfocar The Daniel Clowes Reader. A critical edition with essays, interviews and annotations

The Daniel Clowes Reader. A critical edition with essays, interviews and annotations


The Daniel Clowes Reader: A Critical Edition of Ghost World and Other Stories, with Essays, Interviews, and Annotations

This landmark collection features ten of Daniel Clowes's most influential graphic narratives, along with interviews in which he talks about his career and creative process, and twelve thought-provoking essays by contemporary scholars and critics.

A wide-ranging introduction to the work of one of the most important living cartoonists, The Daniel Clowes Reader features Ghost World, Clowes's celebrated graphic novel about the complex friendship of two teenage girls. It also includes stories — some reprinted for the first time — about boys coming of age, troubled superheroes, and the place of artists and critics in popular culture. The volume's dozen critical essays illuminate Clowes's comics by locating them within biographical, artistic, and socio-historical contexts, including the Indie and DIY movements, Generation X philosophy, and the history of American cartooning. Selections by artists who influenced Clowes and a detailed chronology of his work round out the collection,and extensive annotations shed light on the cartoonist's sources and cultural references. Perfect for the college literature/graphic narrative classroom.

 Daniel Clowes nació en 1961 en Chicago. Aunque él se considera autodidacta, estudió arte en el Instituto Pratt de Brooklyn (Nueva York). Debutó profesionalmente con una colaboración en las páginas de la revista Love & Rockets, la mítica cabecera de los hermanos Hernandez, y en 1985 publicó su primera serie de comic-books: Lloyd Llewellyn. Desde 1989 ha ido trabajando regularmente en Eightball, revista de confección propia en la que goza de absoluta libertad creativa. En esas páginas ha dibujado historietas cortas, como las recopiladas en el álbum Caricatura, y otras, de formato largo, como David Boring, Como un guante de seda forjado en hierro o Ghost World, cuya versión cinematográfica (que él mismo adaptó para la pantalla) le hizo alcanzar el éxito internacional más allá del mundo del cómic.

En la actualidad vive en Berkeley (California), trabaja en nuevas y siempre exquisitas entregas de Eightball y sigue inmerso en la escritura de guiones para cine. El último de ellos es Art School Confidential, una tragicomedia inspirada en la historieta del mismo título, que pone en solfa el mundo del arte.

The Daniel Clowes Reader. A critical edition with essays, interviews and annotations

The Daniel Clowes Reader. A critical edition with essays, interviews and annotations
