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JUDD APATOW | Sick in the head
JAIME RUBIO HANCOCK | El gran libro del humor español
ANTONELLA OTTAI | La risa nos hará libres. Cómicos en los campos nazis
MERY CUESTA | Humor absurdo. Una constelación del disparate en España
MIKE REISS | Springfield Confidential: Jokes, Secrets, and Outright Lies from a Lifetime Writing for The Simpsons
NELL SCOVELL | Just the Funny Parts
GEORGE MEREDITH | Ensayo sobre la comedia y los usos del espíritu cómico
Cencerro "Gotta have more cowbell"
Una risa nueva
MARY BEARD | La risa en la antigua roma
Monty Python's Flying Circus: Hidden Treasures
The League of Extraordinarily Funny Women
NICK DE SEMLYEN | Wild and Crazy Guys: How the Comedy Mavericks of the '80s Changed Hollywood Forever
Jokes Every Man Should Know
JOEL MORRIS | Be Funny Or Die: How Comedy Works and Why It Matters
WAYNE FEDERMAN | The History of Stand-Up
JEREMY DAUBER | El humor judío
GERARDO VILCHES | La satírica transición. Revistas de humor político en España (1975-1982)
DANIEL GUILLÉN | Fes-me riure
GRAHAM MCCANN | Fawlty Towers: The Story of the Sitcom
JOHN BYRNE | Writing Comedy
Dave Chappelle and Philosophy
YAEL KOHEN | We Killed. The Rise of Women in American Comedy