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Nariz sacapuntas
Kit 2 Lápices "World's best boss" y "That's what she said"
Pin de la grapadora metida en gelatina
Caca portalápices
Lápiz "Sí, claro que subrayo los libros"
Pelota Smiley face antiestrés
Tarjeta felicitación "I hope you like this carefully selected card, because it's also your present"
Bolígrafo cerilla
Pegatina vinilo "Everything hurts and I'm dying"
¡Puta mierda!
Lápiz gigante
Postal "Happy fuck you"
Postal "I don't like morning people"
JAIME NARVÁEZ | Cuaderno 1
EL MUNDO TODAY | Libreta “Noticias de última hora”
Postal "If you fall I'll be there. - Ground."
Postal "Et voilà la réalité"
Bolígrafo "Smash the patriarchy"
Kit 2 Lápices "Don't touch my stuff" y "Stay out of my bubble"
Marcapáginas magnético "It Has Always Been My Desire To Write Poetry" x DAVID SHRIGLEY
Postal "Stay Positive" X OHH DEER UK + EU
Imán "Portal to the Cat Dimension and other nightmares!" X EPHEMERA
Bolígrafo herramienta