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MIGUEL NOGUERA | Noguera 100
STEPHEN WILDISH | How to Hangover
DAISY MAY COOPER | Hexy B*tch. Tales from my life, the afterlife and beyond
KARL STEVENS | Penny. A graphic memoir
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook (small)
EL MUNDO TODAY | Constitución Española + Horóscopo
EDWARD STEED | Forces of Nature
Little David
CHARLIE ELLIS | Pooping Pets (Dog Edition)
AVERY MONSEN AND JORY JOHN| All my fiends are still dead
BILL BAILEY | My Animals And Other Animals
RICHARD AYOADE | The Unfinished Harauld Hughes
Farts: A Spotter's Guide
REZA FARAZMAND | Hope It All Works Out!
PHILOMENA CUNK | The World According to Cunk
SCOTT SAUL | Becoming Richard Pryor
ALISON DAVIES | Cat Dads. Your guide to feline fatherhood
SAUL AUSTERLITZ | Kind Of A Big Deal : How Anchorman Stayed Classy and Became the Most Iconic Comedy of the Twenty-First Century
NIC AUBURY | Things My Children Think I'm Wrong About
MATT PARKER | Humble Pi : A Comedy of Maths Errors
Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Screenplay
CHARLIE BROOKER | The Hell of it All
CHARLIE BROOKER | Dawn of the Dumb