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Barbie: Screenplay
Monty Python's Life of Brian, The (of Nazareth): Screenplay
The Banshees of Inisherin
Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Screenplay
JUDY CARTER | The New Comedy Bible
PHOEBE WALLER-BRIDGE | Fleabag: the scriptures (paperback)
BLAKE SNYDER | ¡Salva al gato! El libro definitivo para la creación de un guión
PHOEBE WALLER-BRIDGE | Fleabag: the Special Edition (The Original Play)
WES ANDERSON | The Grand Budapest Hotel Screenplay
SANTIAGO ALBA RICO | ¡Viva el mal! ¡Viva el capital!
WES ANDERSON | The French Dispatch
WOODY ALLEN | Hannah y sus hermanas
WOODY ALLEN | Manhattan
DOUGLAS ADAMSI | The Original Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Radio Scripts
DANIEL CLOWES | Ghost world. Mundo fantasmal.
Sitcom. La comedia en la sala de estar.
SŁAWOMIR MROŻEK | Magacín radiofónico Y “El agua (pieza radiofónica)”
JON PLOWMAN | How to produce comedy bronze.
TONY KIRWOOD | How to write comedy. Discover the building blocks of sketches, jokes and sitcoms and make them work.
NELL SCOVELL | Just the Funny Parts
JOHN BYRNE | Writing Comedy
J. F. ROBERTS | The True History of the Blackadder
RICHARD CURTIS & ROWAN ATKINSON | Blackadder. The Whole Damn Dinasty