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SOFIE HAGEN | Will I Ever Have Sex Again?
Dancing with Jesus: Featuring a Host of Miraculous Moves
AVERY MONSEN AND JORY JOHN| All my friends are dead
The Little Guide to The Simpsons : The show that never grows old
The Little Book of Kenergy
The Improv Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Improvising in Comedy, Theatre, and Beyond
JOEL MORRIS | Be Funny Or Die: How Comedy Works and Why It Matters
RANDALL MUNROE | ¿Qué pasaría si...? 2, Más respuestas serias y científicas a todo tipo de preguntas absurdas
NICOLE TERSIGNI | Parenting Advice to Ignore in Art and Life
Hilarious Jokes for brilliant Blokes
I (L) Jennifer Coolidge
DAVID SÁNCHEZ y HÉLOÏSE GUERRIER | No tengo el chichi para farolillos
MIGUEL ALCÁZAR | La crítica literaria en los noventa
BILL BAILEY's Remarkable Guide to Happiness
What not to say: Love & Romance
Things to make and do (in a cost of living crisis)
KEEGAN-MICHAEL KEY & ELLE KEY | The History of Sketch Comedy
WAYNE FEDERMAN | The History of Stand-Up
DAVID STUBBS | Different Times: A History of British Comedy
MARIA BAMFORD | Sure, I'll Join Your Cult (tapa blanda)
JEREMY DAUBER | El humor judío
GROUCHO MARX | Memorias de un amante sarnoso (bolsillo)
CUNK on Everything: The Encyclopedia Philomena