Enfocar JIM GAFFIGAN | Food: A Love Story
Enfocar JIM GAFFIGAN | Food: A Love Story
Enfocar JIM GAFFIGAN | Food: A Love Story
Enfocar JIM GAFFIGAN | Food: A Love Story
Enfocar JIM GAFFIGAN | Food: A Love Story
Enfocar JIM GAFFIGAN | Food: A Love Story

JIM GAFFIGAN | Food: A Love Story


El cómico que más ama la comida de toda la historia de la comedia. Ahora, en libro.

In his much-anticipated follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Dad Is Fat, Jim Gaffigan reveals his most intimate food memories, opinions, and fantasies that will keep you laughing all the way to the refrigerator.

In his newest book, Jim Gaffigan takes on his favorite topic: food. Read Jim’s insights such as: why he believes coconut water was invented to get people to stop drinking coconut water, why pretzel bread is #3 on his most important inventions of humankind (behind the wheel and the computer), and the answer to the age-old question "which animal is more delicious: the pig, the cow, or the bacon cheeseburger?"


JIM GAFFIGAN | Food: A Love Story

JIM GAFFIGAN | Food: A Love Story
