La bloggera y humorista Jenny Lawson explica con mordacidad sus vivencias con la depresión y la ansiedad.
The title refers to Lawson's philosophy of being "furiously happy" after becoming so depressed that she eventually decided to force herself to be happy out of frustration and spite, driving herself to adventures and experiences in order to build happy memories to sustain her through bouts of depression. This propels her to do such things as travel to Australia in order to hug a koala while wearing a koala suit, to wear a fancy ballgown on ordinary occasions in order to feel beautiful, and to connect with people in the real world in spite of painful physical ability and severe social anxiety. She also related experiences of other mentally ill people who have gone on their own adventures after being inspired by her.
Jennifer Lawson (29 de diciembre de 1973)1 es una periodista, autora y bloggera estadounidense. Es autora del sitio web The Bloggess y anteriormente escribió el blog Ill Advised. Fue coautora de Good Mom/Bad Mom en el Houston Chronicle y columnista de la revista SexIs. Es conocida por su estilo de escritura irreverente.