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DAVID SÁNCHEZ | No me cambies nunca
SIMON HANSELMANN | Bahía de San Búho
SIMON HANSELMANN | Hechizo total
Pequeña guía de minerales inexistentes
AURORA BERTRANA | La ciutat dels joves
España Salvaje. Los otros episodios nacionales.
JON PLOWMAN | How to produce comedy bronze.
TONY KIRWOOD | How to write comedy. Discover the building blocks of sketches, jokes and sitcoms and make them work.
BÀRBARA ALCA | Camiseta spiderman para niños
JUDY CARTER | The Comedy Bible
NELL SCOVELL | Just the Funny Parts
LESLIE KNOPE | Pawnee. The Greatest Town in America.
ANNE SIMON | El cantar de Aglaé
AROHA TRAVÉ | Carne de cañón
OLIVER DOUBLE | Getting the Joke. The Inner Workings of Stand-up Comedy.
JOHN MORREALL | A Comprehensive Philosophy of Humor
JOHN BYRNE | Writing Comedy
JUDY CARTER | Stand Up Comedy. The Book.
JACK HANDEY | Deep Thoughts: Inspiration for the Uninspired
STEWART LEE | The 'If You Prefer A Milder Comedian Please Ask For One' EP
Una risa nueva
El libro de las muertes extraordinarias
Monty Python's Flying Circus. All the Words Vol.2